Tue – Sun    11:00 – 18:00

Hasemauer 1, Osnabrück


Part of the annual graphic on the theme of

2022 – 2023

Graphic of the Kunsthalle on the annual theme

We are living in a pandemic. There is war in the Ukraine. In times like these, the Kunsthalle asks: What’s the current state of our desire for love and belonging? The Kunsthalle’s theme this year is Romanticism. It is concerned with the Romantic movement, that is, the time from the end of the 18th century until well into the 19th century. However, it is also concerned with the question: How are people in our society today? How do they feel? Is it a time of departure? Or a time of nostalgia? With memories and feelings of yearning for the past? A time of nationalism? [Nationalism means: you feel attached to the state you live in.] The Kunsthalle Osnabrück used to be a church. It was built in the medieval ages. Here we want to find out: are the images of Romanticism returning? The forest? The ruin? The artist in bed? What is this telling us? How are these images compatible with today’s current sense of turmoil? And how can we offer resistance through the means of art? How can we stand up for freedom in society?


Ein Logoblock mit Förder:innen und Kooperationspartner:innen der Kunsthalle zum Jahresthema Romantik.