Regular admission: 6,00 €
Reduced admission: 4,00 € *
Participants of groups, from 12 persons: 5,00 €
Free admission**
*Reduced admission
Trainees; school pupils; students outside Osnabrück; people with disabilities (> 70 %); participants in the Federal Voluntary Service; the Voluntary Social, Ecological or Cultural Year; local visual artists; members of the IKT; holders of the artCARD; members of the Museums- und Kunstverein; family ticket (one or two adults with child/children up to 18 years); KombiKarte (in combination with the Museumsquartier)
** Free admission
Children and young people up to the age of 18; holders of the Kulturkarte; Osnabrück trainees, pupils and students; kindergarten groups with two accompanying persons; representatives of the press; accompanying persons of people with disabilities; holders of the ICOM Card; members of the Friends of the Kunsthalle