Tue – Sun    11:00 – 18:00

Hasemauer 1, Osnabrück



All rooms of the Kunsthalle Osnabrück are accessible at ground level. If an exhibition is not barrier-free, this will be indicated. Barrier-free toilets are available. Visits with an assistance dog are permitted.

All exhibition texts are written in plain language. Other accessibility measures, such as translations into audio description or DGS (German Sign Language) are indicated at the respective events or exhibitions.

There is a readable audio exhibition tour for all exhibitions of the annual themes. The QR code for the tour can be found at the Kunsthalle reception desk.

Information on the accessibility of this website in accordance with Section 9b NBGG and related contact options. This accessibility statement applies to https://kunsthalle.osnabrueck.de. This website is largely compliant with the requirements of the harmonised European standard EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (08-2018). (21 August 2020 status of the declaration)

Non-accessible Content

Gendering of the texts: The content listed is not barrier-free for the following reasons. Due to the introduction of non-exclusionary language, we are introducing gendering in plain language. Professions or groups of people are gendered with “:”. This means that women, men and non-binary persons are addressed equally.

Preparation of this Declaration

This statement was created on 21/08/2020. The assessment is based on our own self-assessment, the measures taken by the programmers and consultation with the translators into plain language.

Feedback and Contact Details

You can use the following contact to report any deficiencies with regard to compliance with accessibility requirements:

Conciliation Procedure

If you are not satisfied with the answers from the above-mentioned contact options, you can submit an application to the arbitration centre, set up by the State Commissioner for People with Disabilities in Lower Saxony, to initiate arbitration proceedings in accordance with the Lower Saxony Disability Equality Act (NBGG). The arbitration centre in accordance with § 9 d NBGG has the task of settling disputes between people with disabilities and public bodies in the state of Lower Saxony on the subject of accessibility in IT. The arbitration procedure is free of charge. No legal assistance is required.

You can contact the arbitration centre directly at

Phone +49 (0)511 120 40 10
E-Mail schlichtungsstelle@ms.niedersachsen.de

Supplementary Information

(optional content in accordance with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1523) Explanation of efforts to improve digital accessibility: https://kunsthalle.osnabrueck.de goes beyond the legally required level of accessibility with the following components and functions. This also partially fulfils the criteria of WCAG priority AAA.