Sophia Süßmilch has developed a solo exhibition and a performance for the nave of the Kunsthalle Osnabrück. The performance was shown once at the opening of the exhibition on 15 June 2024. In the performance, Sophia Süßmilch appeared together with her mother, 2 musicians and 8 performers and dancers. Together they set up the exhibition in front of the visitors.
The exhibitions and events in the annual Kids, listen up! programme offer many child-friendly and cross-age activities. However, the programme also deals with socially relevant topics (e.g. in Sophia Süßmilch’s exhibition) that can provoke strong emotions and memories, such as domestic violence, miscarriages and childlessness. In addition to the topics mentioned, the performers will appear naked. We would like to inform our visitors transparently about this.
A visit to the exhibition and Sophia Süßmilch’s performance cannot be categorised as suitable for children. An age rating of 16 and over is recommended. The decision to visit Sophia Süßmilch’s exhibition is up to the visitors or their parents. During the performance childcare was provided. An awareness team was also available.
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