During the National Socialist era, various art styles and artists were classified as “degenerate”. This means that the National Socialists thought that this type of art did not fit in with Germany and their idea of beauty and art. This was also the case with the art of Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart. For this reason, he left Germany together with his Jewish wife Ilse Leda in 1938 and then moved to Amsterdam. The event will focus on the couple’s survival in the Netherlands during the war. Despite a professional ban, Vordemberge-Gildewart continued to paint. And he was in close contact with Max Beckmann, Frans Duwaer and Willem Sandberg, who were actively taking part in the Resistance. At the event, Hans Peterse and Marianne Lohmann will read from Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart’s correspondence, diaries and other texts.