Tue – Sun    11:00 – 18:00

Hasemauer 1, Osnabrück



31.01.21 – 14.02.21


Mickey Yang

Get an insight into the installation I Felt People Dancing by Alison O’Daniel! Click here for the video documentation.

Mickey Yang creates installations, objects and videos. Her art is about people’s individual perceptions. Meaning: How do people perceive different objects? Or nature? Why do different people see the world differently? Why is that? Is it because of the place they live in? Is it because of their culture? Is it because of the media? The word Upaya comes from buddhism. It describes the path of cognition. Meaning the way a person comes to Buddhism. What this person learns from it. What changes as a result. It is also about misunderstandings on this path. And about disappointments. They are the topic of this exhibition. Apart from that, it is about the question: How do people understand each other? How do they exchange ideas? It is about language. About hearing and feeling. And about secret codes. What do we perceive? Is that really true? All of that will be re-examined in Mickey Yang’s art.

Mickey Yang (*1988, Eindhoven, NL) lives and works in Eindhoven. She studied Fine Arts at the Royal Academy The Hague and at the ArtEZ University of Arts Arnhem. She was a scholar at Beeldenstorm/Daglicht from 2017 to 2018, at De Fabriek in 2019 and at the Jan van Eyck Academy 2020 to 2021. Mickey Yang showed her work in various solo and group exhibitions, among others at P////AKT, Amsterdam (2019), at Art Rotterdam (2019), and in Kunstvereniging Diepenheim (2017). The Kunsthalle Osnabrück is hosting her first solo exhibition in Germany.

The exhibition by Mickey Yang is supported by the Niedersächsische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur, the Stiftung Niedersachsen, the Mondriaan Fund, Stroom Den Haag and the Freund:innen der Kunsthalle.