Tue – Sun    11:00 – 18:00

Hasemauer 1, Osnabrück


Politische Gefühle

06.11.21 – 27.02.22


Inga Zimprich

For the film room We Cannot Skip This Part, curator Inga Zimprich has put together a film programme. There are different seating areas in the room. The films will be shown there. They are translated into different languages: German, English, simple language, sign language, audio description and Braille. [Audio description is needed by blind people. It is described for them: What are you seeing in the film right now? Braille is a script for blind people. You can feel it with your fingers and read it that way].

Often, when we think of accessibility, we first think of a ramp or a lift. But what about our imaginations and thoughts? They too shape the spaces in which we move. How should we be in order to be recognised? How do we belong to society? What is actually “normal”? And what does “health” mean? Inga Zimprich has put together a programme of 3 films on the annual theme of accessibility.

Click here for the full description of the film programme: filmprogramm_politische-gefuhle.pdf

Inga Zimprich is a cultural worker, mother and works as a care assistant in Berlin. She studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, and the Jan van Eyck Academie Maastricht, as well as at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig. Together with Julia Bonn, she initiated the Feminist Health Research Group in Berlin, which explores alternative models and methods of care and conceives exhibitions, zines, and workshops. She is also part of the Sickness Affinity Group.