Tue – Sun    11:00 – 18:00

Hasemauer 1, Osnabrück


Ossi Osnabrück

30.08.20 – 01.11.20


David Polzin

David Polzin’s art is about the life in the former GDR. How do people today remember the GDR and how life was there? How was the GDR depicted in the media? How did that change in the time after the reunification? How do the people feel after the reunification? What were people’s hopes and dreams? And who was disappointed? These are the questions that David Polzin grapples with. David Polzin deals with the history of design and architecture in West and East Germany. David Polzin recounts this history with the help of chairs. He re-worked them into new sculptures. Some of these chairs are unique pieces with a very special design. Others have been mass produced and everyone could have bought them for little money. How did the living spaces in East Germany look like? And how did they look in West Germany? And what influence did politics have on that?

David Polzin (*1982, Henningsdorf, DE) lives and works in Berlin. He studied Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts Berlin Weißensee with Eran Schaerf and Karin Sander. In 2016, he was granted the Global Exchange Stipend of the Federal State of Berlin for Los Angeles/Pasadena, which also included a guest professorship at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. In 2008, he founded the collective Klozin together with Wilhelm Klotzek. They have been exhibiting together regularly since then. Polzin’s works have frequently been exhibited in renowned institutions, such as the Mitte Museum Berlin (2020), Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig (2019), Neuer Berliner Kunsverein (2018), the LAMOA, Los Angeles (2017), the Heidelberger Kunstverein (2016), and the MMW Frankfurt (2013).

The exhibition by David Polzin is supported by the Niedersächsische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur, the Stiftung Niedersachsen and the Freund:innen der Kunsthalle.